Last year’s Cary Cinema 11 was top rated by every reviewer who had tested it. Home Theater Magazine rated it their Top Pick for the Best AV Surround Processor. Now comes the Cary Cinema 12, and the bar has been raised. The Cinema 11 is now bettered by the new Cinema 12 as Home Theater Review puts it, “the best sounding, most musical home theater processor I (the reviewer) have auditioned…”
“The Cinema 12 is the highest performing home theater processor available today.” Home Theater Magazine agrees by saying, ” I’m still grinning ear to ear after packing up this amazing Cary combo. Maybe it’s because Cary has been catering to the most demanding of audiophiles for years. The Cinema 12 is superbly musical, and the Model 7.125 has the ability to re-create music with the startling dynamics of a live event. Yes, goose-bumping good. The folks at Cary are blessed with good ears and great taste.” So if you are in the market for the best sounding AV Surround Sound Processor, come to Pat’s Audio Art for the best. Cary Cinema 12 is only $4999, yet better rated than some of the $10,000 + pieces from our competitors.