Parasound HALO A21+ Stereo Power Amplifier by John Curl


This is probably the most significant new product line in our store ever! After an absence of 10 years in Canada, Parasound is BACK in Canada. For a couple of years now, Pat has been badgering Parasound to bring their products back to Canada and has been instrumental in getting Parasound back to our market. Why is Pat so excited? The Parasound HALO A21+ Stereo Power Amplifier by John Curl is a truly High-End Quality Stereo Power Amplifier. The Parasound HALO A21+ Stereo Power Amplifier is designed by John Curl, the person who designed the first High-End Mark Levinson JC preamps which Pat sold in 1974. Since then, John Curl with Walter Jung, had built a tremendous data base on what and how each manufacturers’ electronic component sounds like. From by-pass caps to resistors to power supply capacitors, the widest spectrum of electronic components were carefully listened to and tested. These hand-picked components is what is found inside the Parasound HALO A21+ Stereo Power Amplifier by John Curl. Some of them are the 100,000uF power supply filter capacitors, 16 Beta-Matched 15 Amp 60 Mhz Bi-polar Output Devices and the Complementary MOSFET driver stage and JFET Input Stage. The Signal is Direct Copled without any capacitors or inductors. The High Bias Class A/AB operation of the HALO A21+ Stereo Power Amplifier is also THX Ultra2 certified. It puts out 250W RMS X 2 @ 8 ohms, 400W RMS X 2 @ 4ohms, and 750W RMS @ 8 ohms Bridged, all from 20-20kHz with 60 amperes peak current per channel. The True Balanced Inputs are derived from Discrete Amplifications from the XLR Connectors, as opposed to many competitors “Balanced Circuits” derived from a much less expensive transformer. This is one power amplifier that the DIY audiophiles will not be able to modify to be better sound, why? Because John Curl wrote the book on parts selection, circuit layout, power supply designs in ultra-High-End Audiophiles electronics. I have not found an equal at any price up to $10,000, and yet this Parasound HALO A21+ Stereo Power Amplifier by John Curl only sells for $4500. Wow, talk about High End Audio Value, this power amplifier will surely go down in history as the STEAL of the century for High End Audio. Hurry, before this Reference Power Amplifier goes up in price.

Shipping weight: 75 lbs.
Price: $5,300.00

We will do our best to meet or beat our Canadian competitor’s prices for new and current products.
Please phone 604-569-2883 and talk to Pat.
